The primary source of funding for Amazing Grace Charities is through AGC Boutique. The only other way that we receive the funds we need to continue to operate is through monetary gifts from members of our community and our “AGC family”. Anytime anyone donates a monetary gift, we are so thankful and every bit helps!
Contributions from Businesses
Businesses can give tax deductible monetary gifts to Amazing Grace Charities. How? These gifts would be earmarked as “funded for the benefit of _________” (fill in the blank: marketing, support a rental truck, campaign, storage unit, etc). We will publicly show our thanks by “tagging” your business on Facebook posts, through our e-Newsletter, and personal note.
Contributions from Individuals
While monetary gifts from individuals are not tax deductible, we will recognize your contribution and share our thanks through our e-Newsletter, a personal note, and acknowledgement on Facebook posts.
Donate today! We truly believe together we can make a difference.